best bcaa supplements for women

Best BCAA Supplements for Women

After you go through an intense workout, it is very important to restore your muscles and allow your body to heal. Made of valine, isoleucine and leucine, one of the best supplements for women to have is branched-chain amino acid, or simply BCAA. Here's a quick look at some of...

Sulfur rich foods

Foods That Are Rich in Sulfur and Why You Should Be Eating More of Them

Sulfur is a nutrient that is required for optimal health. It has very important roles in terms of liver function and the overall wellness of joint cartilages and the keratin of the hair and skin. Evidence also suggests that sulfur can aid in metabolism, anti-oxidation and helps fights against the...

Foods High in Arginine

Foods that are High in Arginine

Arginine is a very important amino acid for our bodies. These amino acids are the building blocks of protein and once consumed, our bodies utilize them for building proteins and a host of other biological functions. Amino acids, in general, are divided into three (3) different categories namely non-essential, essential,...

bunch of bags of different beans

Are Beans a Complete Protein?

Protein is important for building and developing muscle and tissue and most people get their recommended daily requirement of protein through the food they consume such as meat products. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, a healthy individual should consume around fifty (50) to one hundred seventy...

bone broth protein

What is Bone Broth Protein?

Many kinds of supplements have existed from here and there and bone broth protein is one of them. From the name itself, you will have the idea that the supplement comes from bone broth. However, it will not be presented to you in the liquid yellowish color. A bone broth...

Amino acid supplement side effects

Side Effects of Amino Acid Supplements

The amino acid, when consumed at a moderately safe dosage, won't do you harm. But remember that anything too much could be harmful to one's body. Over the years, the amino acid has been proven safe. This has been attested by those who have been consuming amino acids for various...

Best animal sources of amino acids

The Best Animal Sources of Essential Amino Acids

Amino acids are compounds that are crucial to the formation of proteins in our body. They to stimulate growth, digestion, repair tissue, help provide energy and boost the functioning of our major organs. We get some amino acids from both plants and animals. In this article, we'll focus on the...

Lower cholesterol

Cholesterol 101: Natural Ways to Lower Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a substance that can be found in your cells. It is in charge of giving your body hormones, vitamins, and other substances. You can find this on the food you eat such as cheese, meat, and egg yolks. Although cholesterol might be good to your body, too much...

brain chemicals

How Brain Chemicals Affect Your Emotions

Every day, your brain communicates with you by sending chemicals from one neuron to another. When this continues, it can have an effect on how you feel. These chemicals are divided into two: excitatory (chemicals that stimulates the brain activity) and inhibitory (chemicals that give calming effect). Below are some...