How Long Does a Pinched Nerve Last? How Do You Fix It?

If your leg or arm “fell asleep” you might have a pinched nerve. It can have different causes and you should know how long does a pinched nerve last. You should also know how to treat the condition effectively.

pinched nerve

Have you experienced your arm or leg “falling asleep”? If that happens, then you might be experiencing a pinched nerve. There are several causes of this condition like arthritis. It’s critical to know them so you can treat them effectively. That will help produce the best results in terms of getting the best results. It might also affect how long does a pinched nerve lasts. For example, it will help produce the best results since you’ll use the right treatment for the right condition. In many situations, there’s an easy fix.

The treatment starts with knowing the symptoms of a pinched nerve. They include ones like tingling/burning feelings or weak muscles. These are relatively common symptoms of various conditions, so it might be something else. 

What Exactly Is a Pinched Nerve?

 You might have heard of this condition but were uncertain what it’s all about. If you feel an arm or leg fall asleep, it happens when tissues around a nerve place lots of pressure on it. These tissues can include muscles, cartilage, tendons, or bones that affect how well the nerve works. The results are numbness, tingling, weakness, and pain.

You can experience pinched nerves at different places in your body. For example, your nerve root might experience pressure if your spine experiences a hernia. That can cause pain that moves from the back down to the leg.

You can also experience a pinched nerve located in the wrist. It can cause your fingers/hands to feel numbness and pain. That can cause numbness in the fingers/hand and is known as carpal tunnel syndrome.

The good news is pinched nerves usually only last up to a couple of weeks. In some cases, surgery is required to reduce pain caused by the condition. What’s most important is to be sure about the exact cause of your condition. That can help with the treatment process.

There are several causes of a pinched nerve, such as stress, obesity, injury, and rheumatoid arthritis.

As always, it’s best to know the various symptoms of a pinched nerve. They can include:

  • Ache/burning that might move outwards
  • Tingling sensations (pins and needles)
  • Hand/foot fell asleep
  • Muscle weakness
  • Numbness or less sensation in the nerve area

There are a few X-factors. The symptoms might get worse while you’re sleeping, so it’s something else to watch out for. Also, there is no permanent damage if the pinched-nerve is short-term. The nerve will function normally after pressure is removed.  

How Long Does a Pinched Nerve Last?

Everyone has some kind of pinched nerve during their life. Based on the form/function of the human body, there’s an excellent chance you’ll experience it. In most cases, the problem fixes itself. However, the recovery time can be weeks or months based on the situation. If it’s serious enough, then you’ll need medication and possibly have to see a specialist.

It’s important to watch how long you’ve experienced the pinched nerve. If it’s 3+ days and over-the-counter (OTC) meds and NSAIDs like Tylenol and Advil, then you should contact your doctor. If you’re experiencing long-term pinched nerves, then it’s a sign you need a doctor’s help. That will help to figure out the main cause of the condition and find out if there are other possible problems.

You should also watch if the condition keeps happening. If it happens somewhat frequently and in the same area, then you should consider visiting a doctor. The reason is situations like “herniated discs” can cause worse problems over time and sometimes result in flare-ups.

Another issue to consider is how severe the symptoms are. For example, if your foot falls asleep then wakes up when you stand up and walk around, then it’s probably not a serious situation. However, if the pinched nerve is affecting your daily life, it could be a sign that you should get it checked out.

If you wait too long to get it treated, it may result in long-term damage. 

While it can be tough to deal with a pinched nerve, there are several treatments available. They include prescription medicines, physical therapy, and medical procedures like surgery. Your doctor can help pick the best option for you.  

Home Remedies for Pinched Nerves

1. OTC painkillers

You can go with some NSAIDs like Advil and Tylenol. These can help to lower swelling and pain linked to the pinched nerve. Keep in mind this treatment is for minor cases of a pinched nerve. You can buy these OTC meds at brick-and-mortar and online drugstores.

Make sure to consult your doctor first. That should be about issues like dosage and possible side effects. It will help to prevent possible issues when using meds. 

2. Ergonomic workstation

If you’re sitting in an uncomfortable position while at your desk, this might result in pinched nerves. For example, it can help to take off pressure from the wrists/hands. By simply changing your desk chair or raising the PC monitor can help to take the pressure off the neck and reduce symptoms.

3. Improve posture

Simply correcting a bad posture can help fix the problem. A bad posture while sitting or standing can put extra pressure on a person’s body. This could damage areas like muscles and the spine, which could result in a pinched nerve.

You can provide relief by using stuff like cushions, neck rests, and adjustable chairs. That can take the pressure off your nerve so the nerve can try to heal. 

It is an easy fix that might work if you’re putting constant pressure on the nerve. 

4. Rest/Sleep

These are some basic yet effective ways to treat the nerve. During sleep, the body can prepare itself. That allows the nerve to do several functions faster, which is essential for your day-to-day life. One step you can take is to rest more and get more sleep. Sometimes this can help the nerve to heal itself. You should also make sure not to overwork the nerve since it can affect how long a pinched nerve lasts.

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